The Regression Game requires JavaScript.

The linear regression machinery refuses to work on HTML and CSS alone.

-1010 10-10 Y = aX + b



Your Score


good game!

The end

Submit to find out your rank!

enter another name

how to play

-1010 10-10 Y = aX + b
  • - the player has 30 seconds or less to choose the a and b parameters in order to trace a line going through the middle of the cloud where Y = aX + b.
  • - can you beat the linear regression algorithm?



  • - You’ll have 10 rounds to beat the algorithm.
  • - The more precise and quick your answer is, the more points you’ll score. Good luck!

Your Score


  • - Type in your best guess for the a parameter, usually between -1 and 1.
  • - Press tab or ENTER to get to the b field and type in this one too.
  • - Press ENTER to submit your guess!

Tutorial 1/3